Relocation Services in Tokyo
Living support assistance for foreigners relocating to Japan
For newly arriving expats and diplomats, PLAZA HOMES offers full support as your housing agent and also as a friendly guide to help make the relocation process to Japan as smooth and comfortable as possible.
PLAZA HOMES Living Information

Living Guides on our Website
We provide a wide range of living information for foreign residents. Useful tips for the times during your pre-assignment, while settling in, and while living in Japan.

Relocation Support Booklet
We provide these carefully curated booklets to expats who are relocating to Japan for the first time. These booklets contain an abundance of information on topics for daily life in Tokyo, including child education, medical information, fitness, places to go in Tokyo, events, Japanese culture, and more.
Safety Measures

Emergency Preparations
We here at PLAZA HOMES think it is of the utmost importance that our foreign customers are able to live safely in Japan. To aid our customers in their preparations for unexpected events, we have made detailed guides about preparing for natural disasters. Topics we cover are earthquakes and typhoons, what to do in the event of a sudden sickness, and the locations of evacuation sites nearest your home.

Earthquake Resistant Properties
Here we feature a large number of listing of apartments & houses in Tokyo constructed with a higher than average tolerance against earthquakes.
Relocation Services

Relocation Support Services for Expats
Working together with ALL JAPAN RELOCATION, a company specializing in helping foreigners relocate to Japan, we provide various services to assist our foreign customers in living comfortably in Japan without inconvenience.
Pre-Assignment Service
Settling-in Service
Service While in Japan
Departure Service
Optional Services

In addition, upon request we are pleased to assist you in numerous ways of simplifying your life such as: obtaining visas and driving licenses, renting furniture, managing company housing program, arranging transportation to and from the airport, and more.